March Madness: Seed Success
My First Personal Project:
This project looks into total wins and final four appearances teams have based on their seed during the NCAA’s March Madness Tournament. I started this project on March 17, 2022, during the first round of the 2022 March Madness Tournament, where I began aggregating and cleaning March Madness data for analysis, and creating visualizations for a presentation. The video linked was recorded March 21, 2022, after the second round of the tournament. Once the Final Four was complete, I went back to the presentation for final analyses and to add recommended action steps for filling out a bracket.
The reason for completing the initial analyses and video recording as quickly as I did, was so that there was less bias in the insights and results I would come to in my analysis. Once the Final Four was decided, I could go back to my presentation and add new insights to my conclusions. All added sections to the presentation are in white instead of the original red theme. Enjoy!
Google Sheets: Above is a link to the data from which insights are pulled.
Video: This video presentation, created prior to 2022 Final Four results, was made to showcase my data storytelling skills and act as a prediction for what we may see in the 2022 March Madness Tournament.
Presentation Link: Below is a link to my final Google Slides presentation, which includes updates since creating the video and has recommendations for filling out future brackets.
SQL Queries:
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