Google Capstone Project: Divvy Data
Synopsis of Analysis
Description of Project:
This project analyzes how casual riders and annual members use Divvy bikes differently, and helps create new marketing strategies that might convert casual riders into annual members. The data is derived from Divvy’s public dataset on monthly rides, and can be found at
Key Insights:
The majority of Members are members because they use Divvy for commuting year-round.
Members account for more weekday rides, Casual riders account for more weekend rides.
Weekdays > in Winter
Weekends > in Summer
Amount of rides per year it would take to meet Annual Fee:
22+ Casual Rides per year
30+ Total Average Rides per year
40+ Member Rides per year
Advertise Memberships to commuters, especially year-round commuters.
Advertise towards weekday riders and create a Summer Special:
“Weekday Warrior” Campaign
Summer Pass (i.e. ½ off May-October Membership)
Include average stats (30 rides per year; 2.5 rides per month) on advertisements.
Example of Divvy Analyses Spreadsheet below:
This example is one of 12.
Sharing Google Sheets although Excel was used for analysis.