COVID-19 by Demographics
This project is based on a small query I made when I was curious about how COVID-19 has affected the U.S. differently among demographics. This quick example analysis because data collected is from a public dataset that is not up-to-date. While I did not create a presentation to highlight the analysis and insights, the data collected raised personal questions and curiosities that I will highlight here.
Limits to Data:
Data was retrieved from 4/15/2020 to 3/7/2021
Did not include multiracial, other, etc. demographics in analysis
Key Takeaways:
Cases: The higher the “Percent compared to Demographics”, the more vulnerable the group is to getting COVID.
Possible Reasons (Opportunities for research and discovery):Living and working conditions saw more exposure.
Less access to PPE.
Tighter living and social spaces.
Deaths: The higher the “Percent compared to Demographics”, the more vulnerable the group is to dying from COVID.
Possible Reasons (Opportunities for research and discovery):Less access to healthcare.
More previous health problems, causing COVID to be more lethal.
Health Inequity